Upgrading Your Stereo

by Jon Glazer

Upgrading your stereo/entertainment system can be a daunting task. Not only do you need to find the solution that best fits your needs, but you need to find a unit that will fit in your dashboard. This article will explore one such solution.
In my case, I wanted a system that will seamlessly integrate with my Android phone to provide the following:

  • Fully functional GPS
  • Audible integration to listen to audio books
  • Pandora integration
  • CD player
  • Dual zone (front and back) control
  • Has provisions for a back-up camera (installed at a later date)

The current configuration was for a single DIN unit. DIN refers to the standard audio unit size of vehicle radios and typically refers to the height of the unit. You can purchase single DIN, double DIN and, in some cases, 1.5 DIN.
I wanted to install a double DIN solution. It appeared that there was room for it in the dash but I knew that I would need to do some cutting.

Once I began cutting, I realized that the dashboard was nearly entirely sheet metal. This is different than most other vehicles I have worked on as they are usually made up of support brackets behind the plastic dash. No matter. I persevered and finally cut an opening that was large enough for the radio. You will notice that I cut the divider “bump” between the environmental controls and the radio. The unit’s mounting kit will cover that.
Most likely you will need to wire/splice your own harness using the previous radio’s configuration. Just work slowly and attach the wires as necessary.

Once completed, the final look is reasonably clean. The unit’s screen even tilts upward at various angles to make it easy to use and read.

Routing the GPS Antenna

The GPS antenna works best when there is no metal between it and the sky. Since I was working on moving the television from above the captain’s chairs, I decided to route the antenna wire under the dash then up the driver’s side “A” pillar (drivers side of windshield) behind the molding. Then mount the antenna in the fiberglass “bubble” on the front of the RV.

This photo is not great but if you look closely, you can see a piece of acrylic that is screwed to one of the cabinet supports. The GPS antenna is then attached to this. There is nothing above it but fiberglass.

Of course, it was a bit more convenient for me to do this given the state of the television replacement. Experiment to find the optimum place for you.

Cell phone integration

The unit I purchased supports both Apple CarPlay® and Android Auto. I cannot speak much about Apple CarPlay® since I am only familiar with Android but I assume they have similar features. Android Auto is not a fully functional Android system on its own. It requires pairing with your Android phone and relies on the phone for its applications and content.

Once paired, the radio will have much of the same functionality as your phone utilizing Android Auto compatible versions of the applications you have on your phone. It works pretty seamlessly where you can simply put down your phone and start using the radio’s screen to do what you want to do.

Pioneer AVH-W4500NEX

This is the unit I purchased and have no complaints aside from the fact it has no HDMI output. It does have an HDMI input but why you would want to watch anything on that little screen is beyond me.

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Les Perkins
Les Perkins April 3, 2021 - 11:04 am

I have radio speakers mounted above the driver & passenger in the side cabinets. Any idea how the wiring to those speakers is installed? I would love to upgrade the speakers but not sure if the wiring needs to be replaced too. Not knowing how the wiring is installed & if it is accessible as prevented me from doing anything at this point. Are there hidden panels that are removable to access the wiring?

Jon Glazer
Jon Glazer April 3, 2021 - 12:10 pm

Yep, I have the same speakers. Very rare to need to replace the wiring. Can you do it? I don’t know. I have replaced those speakers though and that was a snap and a big improvement!

Les Perkins April 5, 2021 - 1:17 pm

Thanks Jon. Not really interested in replacing the speaker wires but was just curious as to how to get to them. Everything is hidden as we know & just interested in how & where. My SIL & daughter installed a really nice stereo radio in the RV for me that I can make phone calls on & am hands free with it. It works great “if” I can learn exactly how to use it. I keep forgetting the process of operation. It is paired with my Garmin 770 GPS & I have all the apps that Garmin has recommended using with it. It worked great when I had to go to AZ last year to see my sister before she passed away. It has a lot of good features to it & it works well with the cellphone. What speakers did you wind up using if you don’t mind me asking? I plan on changing them pretty soon.


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