Useful Accessories

by Jon Glazer

Now that you have your RV, what are some of the greatest and/or most useful accessories you can include to make your trip safer and more enjoyable?  This article will list items that I and others have had personal experience with and would definitely recommend to others.

Bug Protection

When  I first purchased my 2003 Bounder, I found that bugs have made their way inside some areas and made nests.  In my case I had an infestation of Mud Dauber nests.The areas they got in were behind the refrigerator and inside the furnace.  The latter can be dangerous as you can have a flame issue that could damage not only the furnace but also the area surrounding it.  My furnace was so infested it wouldn’t work which prompted me to clean the whole thing.  See the article on Furnace Tips.

After cleaning out the mess, I searched for a way to “seal” up these areas but still allow the devices to function and have sufficient airflow.

First off is the screens for the refrigerator hatch.  A genius idea and one I think the manufacturers should just include in their constructions:

Screen covers for refrigerator hatch.

Three little shaped screens that fit wonderfully over the air holes in the hatch door.  Easy to install and very inexpensive.

Furnace bug screen

Next was the furnace.  I looked and found fitted screens that will protect the airways for the furnace:
There are many designs to choose from to best fit your model.

Black Tank Sensor Cleaner

RV Flexible Swivel Stik with Shutoff Valve

RV Flexible Swivel Stik with Shutoff Valve

Sometimes the sensors in your black tank get fouled by stray particles of gunk (nice way of saying it 🙂 ).  This causes your meter readings to be wrong where it appears to be not empty when, in fact, it is.  This device allows you to use a high-pressure spray to try to clean off the sensors.  Simply connect a hose, turn it on and feed it down your toilet into the tank.


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