Hi all,
Like many older vehicles, our 2004 Bounder named Seven’s headlights are showing their age and are fogged over. We haven’t driven it at night for many years so I didn’t worry about it.
Today I de-winterized since the weather guesser on TV swears up and down no more hard frosts or snow. I was looking at the front end and decided the headlights really needed help.
Over the winter, I saw a guy on YouTube swearing that Mother’s Mag Wheel polish is the best stuff ever for restoring headlights. Nothing to lose except a few $ so I tried it out using a foam wheel on a drill running fairly slowly then buffed with a microfiber cloth.

Mag & Aluminum Polish
In 30 seconds my lights looked like new! I am amazed. No idea how long the fix will last but with such little effort needed, I’m happy to do it every year.
I will be interested in how long it will last. Looks great!!
I’ll post an update Spring 2022!
I know I promised an update last year but you know how it is. Not surprisingly I guess, the headlights have started to film over again. I will spend another 5 minutes this week and give them another treatment with the Mother’s. If I can find it!