Replacing/Restoring your Headlights

by Jon Glazer

The headlight lenses in any non-sealed solution usually gets “foggy” over time and not only cuts down on their effectiveness but also look bad.

Typical Fogged Headlight

There are a many restoration products on the market that can return the clarity of your headlights with varying success.  I have tried a few of these and they seem to inevitably wear off after about 8 months to a year and you have to do it again.

I am not saying that they all fail or provide less than desired results.  Just the  ones I tried didn’t seem to hold up to the hype.  The image to the right is just an example, not one that I used.  If anyone has great success, please leave your recommendations in the comments.


I opted to replace the headlights as a whole.  For the most part, the replacement lights should be readily available.  Mine, for example, were purchased from purchase (click to check price)

Don’t be surprised if you find that the recommended headlights were originally intended for an SUV.  It appears that Fleetwood simply repurposed existing models for their rigs.

While not the cheapest solution to the problem, I believe it will be the longest lasting and provide years of clean, bright light and look great at the same time!

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Bruce February 14, 2022 - 10:58 pm

Will replace headlights

William Street September 29, 2022 - 7:36 pm

Has anyone replaced the headlights on a ’93 Bounder with LED headlights? I’m thinking this is not an easy swap with an RV this old…

Eran Sadan April 25, 2023 - 6:00 pm

Fleetwood used the Cadillac devile 1997-1999 headlights on this model. The bracket of the cadi will not fit. use your original one.


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