The Truck Wash … an RV’ers Best Kept Secret

by Jon Glazer
Disclaimer:  yes I know the photo is not a Bounder.  Only one I could find.

So you have a giant class A rig that you want to keep clean or clean up or just get rid of the built up muck.  Trying to do this yourself can be a very long and painful process, even with a power washer.   I took my rig to a local semi wash (full sized truck wash) to see what they could do.  No surprise for them!  They do it all the time.


  • someone else does it!
  • pretty cheap given the amount of work you’re saving
  • someone else does it!
  • very thorough job usually.
  • they have the tools needed to do it right


  • can be a wait … bring a movie
  • could, potentially, mess up a seal on the roof and cause a leak (didn’t happen to me)

My experience:

I pulled up to the truck wash and I was behind 2 other trucks.  No problem (I thought)!  After an hour and still not moving I started making myself something to eat from the sporadic stuff I still had in the fridge.  I also started watching a movie.  Note to self: next time, be prepared.  Overall it took nearly 3 hours for them to get to me.  It then took over an hour to wash my rig (more movies).    When they were done, it had a glow like a newborn babe … well not really but it was really clean!!   Really made the cracks in my decals stand out nicely!

The cost of the was was $60.  That’s all!!!!!   I tipped them another $60 ($30 per person).   The roof looked brand new, all the gunk and muck on the sides were gone.  It was wonderful!   I highly recommend this to anyone!!

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Wayne Stella April 30, 2022 - 2:42 pm

I wish I had one closer to me. It would have been done already.

Jon Glazer
Jon Glazer April 30, 2022 - 3:45 pm

Well worth a drive IMHO


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