Submit an Article

By far, the most desirable way for you to create an article is to do it all yourself.  This way you can tailor the look of the article just the way you want it.  Our web site contains sufficient tools (we hope) to allow you to do this easily.  Once you have logged into the site and  have been upgraded to Author (all free) you will find a View My Articles link under the Articles menu.  From that page you can add a new post and dive right in your article.  We have provided some helpful pointers on how to make your article appealing and complete in the Help section of the site.  This is amore robust way of creating your article that

  • Allows you to add multiple images to your posting
  • Enhance the text with advanced formatting (bold, italics, color, etc…)
  • Helps to make the post look and feel the way you want it
  • Reduces our editing overhead and gets your article approved more quickly!!

Please note that if you do not see the View Your Articles link, then you have:

  • Not created an account here
  • Not logged into your account
  • Not confirmed your account
  • Not yet been upgraded as AUTHOR

A couple tips:


Be sure to select a featured image.  This is the image that will b used when sharing your article to Social Media and other apps.  Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you’ll see the “select featured image” option.  The image selected will appear at the top of the page.   Please try to make your image twice as wide is it is high for proper use in sharing.

Testing your shared article:

You can use the following link and enter your article URL to see how it will appear as a shared link in Facebook (and elsewhere).  This may not work until your article is actually published but you have the ability to edit the article and replace the featured image at your convenience:

Meta for DevelopersFacebook Sharing Tool

If you have questions about any of the above, please let us know via the contact us page.